Buon Vino Mini Jet
Buon Vino Manufacturing makes several wonderful electric filter units for home hobbyists or small commercial operations.
The “Mini Jet” is a durable unit which generally filters a 23 litre carboy well on just one set of filter pads. Winemakers has been selling them for 13 years and has had only a few returns for minor problems, usually associated with the user having broken part of the case or a hose nipple.
If you are filtering more than 50 litres at a time you may consider using a “Super Jet”. Winemakers has been using the same one – once a week – for ten years. See instructions for use below.
Winemakers sells Buon Vino
Winemakers rents out
Mini-Jets to established
Winemakers sells Buon Vino
Mini-Jet filter pads. We have a bulk
price available for quantities
Store Hours
Wednesday and Thursday: 10:00 am - 6:30pm Friday: 10 am - 5pm
Saturday: 10am - 3:30pm Sunday: 12pm - 4pm

283 Broadway Orangeville, Ontario Canada, L9W 1L2