Winemakers Wedding Assistance
- Wine has been an integral part of celebrations for thousands of years.
- Wine may be served at the reception, either to accompany the meal or for refreshment.
- Wine may be served at the rehearsal party.
- Wine may be used to toast the bridal party.
- Wine may be presented to guests as a ‘favour’ to commemorate the event, very much like the traditional slice of wedding cake.

Wedding Special Package
Ask for prices
2 batches of Wine (1 batch Red and 1 batch White)
Includes: custom labels, decorative shrink caps, and corks
64 Bottles
For Basic Packages – Upgrades are available for the Heritage Wine Kit
An event at any other venue will require a “No Sale SOP” for a nominal fee.
Apply 30 days ahead for outdoor events, or 10 days in advance for indoor events.
Visit: for more information
IMPORTANT NOTE # 2 START YOUR WINE as soon as possible! All wine improves with some ageing. Our popular level of “4 week” wine juices can be bottled in about 4 weeks, but need a minimum two months ageing after bottling. Our “8 week” premium juices need six months of ageing. Choosing labels & bottles can wait till later but…
Wines to be consumed at an indoor reception with a meal should include one dry red wine and one dry white. Choosing a blush as a third wine is an option if you really think it is necessary. Not having a dry red or a white wine at the table will disappoint some guests.
Choosing wines for an outside reception is an opportunity to be more adventurous. A well chilled Peach or Strawberry will delight your guests. We still recommend a basic dry red wine and a white wine.
Plan on ½ a 750 ml bottle of wine per dinner guest. You may need more if the event is outside, will run late, or if no other beverages will be served. If you are being charged for corkage then consider 1.5 litre bottles.
The favourite red wines for weddings are Merlot, Cabernet Sauvignon, or a Merlot/Cabernet blend.
The perennial favourite white has been Pinot Grigio (Pinot Gris)
Favours – These token gifts are presented to guests as they leave or are placed decoratively at each place setting. Usually 375 ml bottles are used. Choose your favourite wine or consider an ice wine.

Winemakers will help
• We have Special Occasion Permit applications on hand.
• Together, we choose and start your wine, bottle and cork it.
• We provide decorative capsules and design custom labels.
• Your wine will be ready on time.
• You will be proud to serve your wine.

Store Hours
Wednesday and Thursday: 10:00 am - 6:30pm Friday: 10 am - 5pm
Saturday: 10am - 3:30pm Sunday: 12pm - 4pm

283 Broadway Orangeville, Ontario Canada, L9W 1L2